Agriturismo Mezzaluna

municipality: MONTALTO PAVESE
Province: Pavia


Available for:
Birthdays, anniversaries, events, Happy Hour, business lunches and dinners, meetings.

Agriturismo Mezzaluna

Mezzaluna is located in Montalto Pavese in the province of Pavia, in a happy hilly position at an altitude of 270 meters, in the heart of the Central Oltrepò. The location has a room of 200 square meters and a large garden that are offered for every type of project: birthdays, anniversaries, events, happy hours and company meetings, with the possibility of managing everything in complete autonomy or with the help of the owners. Our Chef Franco is available to satisfy every kind of request. For any information, inspection or specific request contact Cristina: or 3384365996 site: mail:

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