Fortress of Sarzanello

municipality: SARZANA
Province: La Spezia


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Fortress of Sarzanello

Whoever goes to Sarzana, from any direction, can only be attracted by this imposing building that dominates the valley of the Magra from the height of the Sarzanello hill. The Fortress was built at the end of the fifteenth century on the remains of an ancient fortress, following the dictates expressed by the military architecture theory of the Sienese Francesco di Giorgio Martini. The result is an innovative fortification for the era that still today strikes for its particular shape. The Fortress of Sarzanello is in fact made up of two triangular bodies: - The real body of the Fortress, whose vertexes are placed the imposing towers and from which stands the keep - Il Rivellino, a fortified embankment almost as large as the Fortress erected to defend it and connected to it through a bridge The entire structure is accessible to the public. It is possible to penetrate the fortress by crossing the bridge that crosses the wide and deep moat; on this, between the fortress and the ravelin, one already perceives the majesty of the environment in which one is about to enter. The keep, the stands, the dungeons, the walkways, the view, ... pleasant emotions in continuous succession.

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