La Dimora del Barone

municipality: GABIANO
Province: Alessandria


Available for:
Meetings, parties, receptions, stages, weddings, but only for small groups, because the salon is only 35 square meters

La Dimora del Barone

Eighteenth-century house, recently renovated without minimally affecting the ancient materials and atmosphere of entering an ancient world. The vaulted Piedmontese ceilings, the fireplaces, the furnishings, the paintings and the ornaments remind us of the times described in the fairytale books. It was, for a brief period, the last home of Baron Desdudeff, before disappearing into thin air, then painters, artisans and, lastly, theater actors stayed there. There are three large bedrooms for a total of 10 seats and a cot, a dining room and a large living room. When the weather permits, you can go on the 25 square meter terrace and contemplate the enchanting view, watch incredible sunsets or look at the sky, at night, when millions of stars seem to be within reach.

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