Villa Wenner

municipality: PELLEZZANO
Province: Salerno


Available for:
Ceremonies, Sets for films, fiction, commercials.

Villa Wenner

Villa Wenner was, from the second half of the nineteenth century, the residence of the Wenner family, the main promoter of textile industrial settlements in the Irno Valley. Don Alberto Wenner had it built in 1862 on the communal area of Pellezzano, in the locality still today called Villini Svizzeri: in fact other buildings destined for the families of the co-users and of the employees of the industries themselves were built. For the planning of the Swiss settlement the architect Stefano Gasse was called, already famous in Naples for having designed the facade of Palazzo S. Giacomo, the municipal seat, and the Boschetto of the Villa Reale. The Gasse remained for many months in Pellezzano to closely follow the work and wanted to give the whole, even to the surrounding park, a typically neoclassical style. Villa Wenner was later built on a specific project by the Swiss architect Adolfo Mauke. The chimneys are valuable; many cast iron elements were made in the foundries annexed to the textile industries: the gate, the inserts above the windows, the balcony railings, the main porch of the villa and the entrance bridge which is accessed from the square at the end of via Filanda. The villa obtained in 1984 the constraint of the Ministry for Cultural and Environmental Heritage. The Wenners remained owners of the building until 1976, when it became the home of the Scarpa family.

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